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----  ADO查询表数据表的执行方式  (http://bbs.diylsoft.com:8118/starforum/dispbbs.asp?boardid=5&id=32684)

--  作者:wuhengsi
--  发布时间:2014-3-2 14:46:36
--  ADO查询表数据表的执行方式

北京空气弥漫。。。李生保重 求解,ADO数据表和查询表 下都有执行方式 如上图 所示 1.异步 2.缓存之后异步 3.缓存之后无阻碍异步 异步执行 我理解是另开线程执行,但实际中尚未敢用怕出BUG,问了李生 他说是为软件的缺省模式 具体也不完全清楚,,向各星友求解,要实践过的。。。
--  作者:heying
--  发布时间:2014-3-3 9:34:34


TExecuteOptions values specify the characteristics of an execution operation.
Delphi syntax:
TExecuteOption = (eoAsyncExecute, eoAsyncFetch, eoAsyncFetchNonBlocking, eoExecuteNoRecords);
TExecuteOptions = set of TExecuteOption;

C++ syntax:

enum TExecuteOption { eoAsyncExecute, eoAsyncFetch, eoAsyncFetchNonBlocking, eoExecuteNoRecords };
typedef Set TExecuteOptions;


When executing a command or connection using a method, use TExecuteOptions values to specify the characteristics of the execution operation. When reacting to a command or connection execution in an event handler, read the execute options parameter to determine the options already established for the connection triggering the event.

TExecuteOptions consists of the constants summarized in the following table:

Execute Option Meaning

eoAsyncExecute The command is executed asynchronously.
eoAsyncFetch The command fetches remaining rows after the initial quantity specified in the Cache property asynchronously.
eoAsyncFetchNonBlocking Execution is performed without blocking the thread.
eoExecuteNoRecords A command or stored procedure that does not return. If any rows are retrieved, they are discarded and not returned.